The children learn English using books written by Margarida AIberty, STEP by STEP 1, 2 and  3 which reflect the children's lives in Cambodia. Each book represents the level of literacy and include  photos of the children's surroundings, lifestyle and needs. 

It's a fun way to learn as it's an exercise book as well as a colouring book . The book covers were made with the children's drawings.

The younger children who don't know their "ABC's",  use a book that is purchased at a local bookstore.     


The Art Classes are a very fun activity that the children thoroughly enjoy.  They learn to use different materials, methods and techniques to create stunning works of art. Professional artists and volunteers have been essential in the success of the classes. The children have created a collection of paintings many of which have been sold in support of Help Children Cambodia for purchasing art supplies.  ART GALLERY

The Tuk - Tuk school  travels to the surrounding villages of Siem Reap offering free English classes to village children. Improvised classrooms with plastic tables and chairs are set up for the classes. 



On Saturdays, the children meet at the local Pagoda for Traditional Apsara Dance and Music classes. The dance and music classes are extremely important for the children to learn and maintain the traditions and customs of their country in preservation of their national heritage.  The older and advanced students have been invited several times to  perform in many hotel venues and events. The children divide the profits after each performance. It is very rewarding experience  for these children  most of whom live in very dire conditions.                   


The Sewing classes provide instruction on basic sewing techniques that start with simple stitches to more complex projects that  require a sewing machine. With these techniques the children have produced Rag dolls, Tote bags, accessories, aprons, key rings, purses, wallets,  These items are available for purchase in support of Help Children Cambodia. CRAFTS STORE

Every weekend , the mobile library visits rural communities bringing books in English and Khmer  encouraging  the joy of reading to the local children.